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不知何时起,世界上多出了一种连通着各个异位面的神秘区域——幻境。 丧尸围城,学园默示,从零哥杀…… 在这里你可以得到着数之不尽的财富、风情各异的美人,还有那足以毁天灭地的强大力量。 无数追寻着梦想与野心的人们来到这里。 有人欢笑,有人哭泣,有人活着,有人死去。 这里是强者的乐园。 这里是弱者的地狱。 而我们的故事,要从一个身负全幻境最为神秘的EX级血统的年轻人,重生回七年前的那一刻开始……
他是修仙界中唯一的剑修者,他一生都在修炼剑仙之道! 临死前,他只留下一句震撼世人的话语: “我的剑仙之道,从未有过逃跑,我要让这剑,只有锋芒。” 当他再次睁开眼眸,世界全变了! 他重修剑仙之道,剑诛天道,意碎苍穹,成就剑仙之境!
一个从小体弱多病的富商之子,在寻求续命之法时,意外走上了修仙登天之路! 大唐盛世,天下安泰,风调雨顺,百姓安居。 千年后世,魔物吞天,妖鬼横行,遍野哀鸣。 西游再现,大圣斗天,天蓬下凡,卷帘重生。 莫名的穿梭与轮回,虚实掩映,真幻交织! 是预言中的梦境?还是尚未发生的现实? 他能否打破命中注定的魔障,消弭还未发生的三界大劫,挽救苍生于水火?
上辈子,明微疲于奔命,终究没能改变命运,失去了最重要的亲人。 睁开眼,她发现自己回到了七十年前。
作者:Charles Dickens
Published serially in 1836–1837, The Pickwick Papers was Dickens first novel and its rousing success launched his lasting fame. This narrative of coach travel provides a vivid portrait of a world that was soon to vanish with the coming of the railroads. From the grim depiction of Fleet Prison to the exuberant account of the cricket match at Dingley Dell, the tales of the immortal Pickwick Club offer memorable scenes of nineteenth-century England. Readers were captivated by the adventures of the poet Snodgrass, the lover Tupman, the sportsman Winkle ampersand, above all, by that quintessentially English Quixote, Mr Pickwick, & his cockney Sancho Panza, Sam Weller. From the hallowed turf of Dingley Dell Cricket Club to the unholy fracas of the Eatanswill election, via the Fleet debtor’s prison, characters ampersand incidents sprang to life from Dickens’s pen, to form an enduringly popular work of ebullient humour and literary invention.
作者:Charles Dickens
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, better known as The Pickwick Papers published serially in 1836–1837, is the first novel by Charles Dickens. This narrative of coach travel provides a vivid portrait of a world that was soon to vanish with the coming of the railroads.Readers were captivated by the adventures of the poet Snodgrass, the lover Tupman, the sportsman Winkle , above all, by that quintessentially English Quixote, Mr Pickwick, and his cockney Sancho Panza, Sam Weller. From the hallowed turf of Dingley Dell Cricket Club to the unholy fracas of the Eatanswill election, via the Fleet debtor’s prison, characters and incidents sprang to life from Dickens’s pen, to form an enduringly popular work of ebullient humour and literary invention. Its rousing success launched his lasting fame.
作者:Charles Dickens
Published serially in 1836–1837, The Pickwick Papers was Dickens first novel and its rousing success launched his lasting fame. This narrative of coach travel provides a vivid portrait of a world that was soon to vanish with the coming of the railroads. From the grim depiction of Fleet Prison to the exuberant account of the cricket match at Dingley Dell, the tales of the immortal Pickwick Club offer memorable scenes of nineteenth-century England. Few first novels have created as much popular excitement as The Pickwick Papers–-a comic masterpiece that catapulted its 24-year-old author to immediate fame.