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斗罗二同人小说,青年科学家沐染身怀系统穿越到了斗罗大陆,成为十万年魂兽雪神莲,化身成人后又拥有了另一个武魂玲珑玉扇,身为科学家的他将为斗罗大陆带来怎样的改变,他又如何在乱世傲视群雄? 已有书友群1060328098,欢迎大家加入
许易穿越到超神学院世界,某一天突然“灵”光一闪。 为了世界核平,人民幸福,总觉得该做点什么,于是乎: “传授国人无敌国术,围殴众多外星狗狼。” “双手施展灭妖神火,焚尽诸多邪祟恶魔。” “丹田一口飞剑,千里之外击毁外星战舰。” 超神学院为主世界,前期副本世界有龙蛇,倚天,古剑,狐妖,阳神,诛仙,秦时明月,画江湖,一人之下,斗破,西游,近年国漫等,后期还会加入漫威系列。(需要粉丝值截图)欢迎加入!
作者:Alexandre Dumas
Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto "one for all, all for one." A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge,The Three Musketeers"" is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux.
作者:Alexandre Dumas
A historical romance.Swashbuckling, romantic and often humourous, Dumas’ novel is a timeless tale of friendship and intrigue. Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto "one for all, all for one." A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers"is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux.
作者:Alexandre Dumas
A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers"is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto" one for all, all for one."