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斗罗二同人小说,青年科学家沐染身怀系统穿越到了斗罗大陆,成为十万年魂兽雪神莲,化身成人后又拥有了另一个武魂玲珑玉扇,身为科学家的他将为斗罗大陆带来怎样的改变,他又如何在乱世傲视群雄? 已有书友群1060328098,欢迎大家加入
许易穿越到超神学院世界,某一天突然“灵”光一闪。 为了世界核平,人民幸福,总觉得该做点什么,于是乎: “传授国人无敌国术,围殴众多外星狗狼。” “双手施展灭妖神火,焚尽诸多邪祟恶魔。” “丹田一口飞剑,千里之外击毁外星战舰。” 超神学院为主世界,前期副本世界有龙蛇,倚天,古剑,狐妖,阳神,诛仙,秦时明月,画江湖,一人之下,斗破,西游,近年国漫等,后期还会加入漫威系列。(需要粉丝值截图)欢迎加入!
作者:[英] 查尔斯·达尔文;[法]贝尔纳-皮埃尔·莫兰
本书真正做到了一本书讲透西方哲学发展历程。本书从西方哲学的奠基人苏格拉底写起,一直写到当代“思想系统的历史学家”福柯,全面梳理了古代、中世纪、文艺复兴、17世纪到20世纪的各个哲学流派、代表人物及其观点和成就。 本书的两位作者都是在英国影响力很大的哲学学者,长期致力于促进当代哲学的发展,为了向大众普及哲学而创作了这本哲学入门书。书中语言轻松、幽默,内容通俗好读,尤为适合哲学爱好者阅读。翻开这本小书,斯坦格鲁与加维两位博士将带你推开哲学之门。 哲学究竟是什么?它是对人性问题的思考,或是一种思维方法,抑或是一种生活态度?无论你支持哪种观点,都会有数位伟大的哲学家支持你。哲学已经发展了两千多年,在这么长一段时期内,如果所有哲学家的想法都一样,那真是个奇迹!不管哲学究竟是什么,它必定仍在继续发展,并深刻影响着我们的生活。
作者:Saint Augustine
This work outlines Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. It is widely seen as the first Western autobiography ever written, and was an influential model for Christian writers throughout the following 1000 years of the Middle Ages.   It is not a complete autobiography, as it was written in his early 40s, and he lived long afterwards, producing another important work (City of God); it does, nonetheless, provide an unbroken record of his development of thought and is the most complete record of any single individual from the 4th and 5th centuries. It is a significant theological work. In the work, St. Augustine writes about how much he regrets having led a sinful and immoral life. He shows intense sorrow for his sexual sins, and writes on the importance of sexual morality.   He also mentions that his favorite subject in school was mathematics because it was concrete and more rigorously defined than other subjects.
作者:Saint Augustine
Written between 397 and 400 A.D., “The Confessions of Saint Augustine” is thought to be the first autobiography in Western civilization and is considered by many to be one of the most important religious works of all time.   While not a complete account of Augustine’s life, for Augustine wrote “Confessions” in his early forties and would live well into his seventies, it is one of the most complete first-hand accounts of anyone’s life from the fourth or fifth century, in which the author outlines the sins of his youth and conversion to Christianity.    “The Confessions” tells of its author’s upbringing in Algeria, his place at the Imperial court of Milan, his struggle to overcome his sexual desires, and the ultimate dedication of his life to Christ and Christian ways. “