收录时间: 2021-01-16 10:37:33
本书是一个关于古老世纪的人造生命的故事。弗兰肯斯坦,有着科学家的冷静、疯癫,炼金术士般的诡谲莫测,为了研究生命起源的惊天秘密,他必须先求助于死亡。在古老的实验室里,他上演了最惊悸的造人术。最终他用尸体的零部件拼凑出一个巨大的“科学怪物”。然而,只有让人窒息的恐惧和厌恶充斥着他的心灵,因为一具复活的木乃伊也没有这个怪物那么吓人。他从此掉进了无边无际的恐惧和痛苦的深渊。   面貌狰狞但灵魂善良的“科学怪物”对人充满了善意和好奇,但人类对他的恐惧、厌恶和歧视,使他在孤独和绝望中走向邪恶的复仇。制造生命的人成了被创造物追逐、吞噬的猎物,复仇和猎杀交织,所爱之人一个个笼罩在神秘的死亡阴影里。弗兰肯斯坦怀着满腔怨愤,最终心力交瘁,死在复仇的路上。而“科学怪物”也在痛悔和生不如死的深重绝望中,消失在茫茫无边的黑夜之中。
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这是一个以御兽为主流的异世界。 当时宇携带技能图鉴穿越到这里,并培育出一堆奇葩宠兽后,所有御兽师的三观都破碎了…… 关键词:御兽、宠兽、宠物、召唤。
八百年前,明帝之子张若尘,被他的未婚妻池瑶公主杀死,一代天骄,就此陨落。 八百年后,张若尘重新活了过来,却发现曾经杀死他的未婚妻, 已经统一昆仑界,开辟出第一中央帝国,号称“池瑶女皇”。 池瑶女皇——统御天下,威临八方;青春永驻,不死不灭。 张若尘站在诸皇祠堂外,望着池瑶女皇的神像,心中燃烧起熊熊的仇恨烈焰,“待我重修十三年,敢叫女皇下黄泉”。 …………
这是一个英雄辈出的时代,李世民、窦建德、王世充、李密、萧铣、张须陀、李靖、苏定方.....大浪淘尽,千古风流人物。   这又是一个充满机遇的时代,隋末天下,群雄争霸,美人似玉,江山如画,唯强者可居。   魂系千年,权门庶子,黄沙百战,气吞万里如虎,对面李唐的强势兴起,他敢与之争夺天下否?
泡妞的最高境界是泡老婆!   特种兵王刘青和新婚妻子,从陌生如何一步一步走向彼此信任,其中的精彩纷呈任君品尝!
张小强是个小人物,本是一名混吃等死的小吊丝,宅在家里的他,躲过丧尸病毒的首次爆发,看到同住一个小区的邻居变成丧尸,他感受到了无边的恐惧,他在人吃人的末世中孤独求生,最后受尽孤独折磨的他,拿起了自己的装备,走向了外面狼烟滚滚的世界。 他以顽强不死的蟑螂为榜样,因为蟑螂会在末世的夹缝里活下去,直到夹缝再也容不下他。 他在残酷的末世离,绞尽脑汁,做陷阱,建基地,抗尸潮,与人斗,与天斗.
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein is the classic gothic horror novel which has thrilled and engrossed readers for two centuries. Written by Mary Shelley, it is a story which she intended would ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart.’   The tale is a superb blend of science fiction, mystery and thriller. Victor Frankenstein driven by the mad dream of creating his own creature, experiments with alchemy and science to build a monster stitched together from dead remains. Once the creature becomes a living breathing articulate entity, it turns on its maker and the novel darkens into tragedy.   The reader is very quickly swept along by the force of the elegant prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multi-layered themes in the novel. Although first published in 1818, Shelley’s masterpiece still maintains a strong grip on the imagination and has been the inspiration for numerous horror movies, television and stage adaptations.
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein was first published anonymously in London in 1818, reflecting English biases towards female authors, and Mary Shelley was not credited as the author of Frankenstein until the French edition was published in 1823.   Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction. Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator.   Swiss student Victor Frankenstein uncovers the secret to bringing life to what is lifeless, and in assembling body parts to create a monster, ultimately sets the stage for his own destruction and that of everything that he loves when the monster is rejected by society.
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction.   Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator. Swiss student Victor Frankenstein uncovers the secret to bringing life to what is lifeless, and in assembling body parts to create a monster, ultimately sets the stage for his own destruction and that of everything that he loves when the monster is rejected by society.
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction.   It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction. Penned as part of a competition between Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and John Polidori to see who could write the best horror story, Frankenstein is resonant with themes of love, friendship, hubris, and fear. It presents the epic battle between man and monster, showing that man is not always capable of controlling that which he creates.   Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator.
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