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神秘复苏,诸神黎明,一定是好事么? 伴随着灵气复苏所带来的,还有……无解之恐怖! 一个奇异的姓氏、一个穿梭两界的灵魂,一段神秘的史诗……
英雄,就是那种自身实力强大,他率领的部队也会随英雄的强大而强大的神圣存在。 《英雄创世纪》,一款由美国,中国,欧盟,俄罗斯,印度,日本,韩国共同开发,集奇幻,冒险,战争,贸易,领地建设,航海,竞技,休闲于一体的世界级网游,全世界的玩家为之狂热,各国最顶尖的竞技选手在国战的舞台上大放异彩。 大飞,曾经专治各种不服的网瘾治疗专家,在阔别游戏多年后,看准了英雄创世纪的无限商机开始了职业游戏生涯。整个世界都因为他而充满了正能量。 大飞名言:为何放弃治疗?
这是一个穿越者在动漫世界搞事的故事…… 会穿越的世界有迪迦奥特曼、葫芦娃、路人女主、食戟之灵、从前有座灵剑山、超神学园、斗罗大陆、斗破苍穹…… 目前正在进行中的世界是:狐妖小红娘
穿越到千年之后的蓝星,能够同步游戏能力到现实世界的神秘游戏《神话》降临,张辉凭借着先知先觉和幸运获得的至尊大礼包,处处领先,称霸神话世界。   财富、权势、宝物、名臣神将,通通被张辉收入囊中。   征高丽,踏瀛洲,张辉表示,普天之土,尽归华夏!   他势要做,一统天下的至尊帝皇!
布桐在路边捡了个帅到惨绝人寰的老公,婚后,厉先生化身妻奴,宠起老婆来连老婆本人都怕。 “老公,说好的高冷禁欲呢?” 厉先生无辜摊手,“禁的是欲,不禁你。” “老公,你公司的秘书不错。” 第二天,厉先生把女员工全部遣散。 布桐欲哭无泪:“我只是想问问她的口红色号而已啊。” 厉先生要出差一个月,布桐假装闷闷不乐相送,转身就开香槟庆祝,终于可以放大假了。 第二天醒来,厉先生站在床头,“太太,惊不惊喜?感不感动?” 布桐:“不敢动,不敢动......” 【1V1超爽甜宠文,男女主身心健康。】
作者:Jerome, Jerome K.
The advantage of literature over life is that its characters are clearly defined, and act consistently. Nature, always inartistic, takes pleasure in creating the impossible. Reginald Blake was as typical a specimen of the well-bred cad as one could hope to find between Piccadilly Circus and Hyde Park Corner.
作者:Dickens, Charles
Mudfog is a pleasant town - a remarkably pleasant town - situated in a charming hollow by the side of a river, from which river, Mudfog derives an agreeable scent of pitch, tar, coals, and rope-yarn, a roving population in oilskin hats, a pretty steady influx of drunken bargemen, and a great many other maritime advantages.
Several of the sketches in this volume have appeared in periodicals."The Bloody Doctor" was in Macmillan's Magazine, "The Confessions ofa Duffer," "Loch Awe," and "The Lady or the Salmon?" were in theFishing Gazette, but have been to some extent re- written. "The DoubleAlibi" was in Longman's Magazine.
作者:Thames & Hudson
As I glance across my table, I am somewhat distracted by the spectacle of a venerable head whose crown occasionally appears beyond, at about its level. The apparition of a very small hand--whose fingers are bunchy and have the appearance of being slightly webbed--which is frequently lifted above the table in a vain and impotent attempt to reach the inkstand, always affects me as a novelty at each recurrence of the phenomenon.
It seems to be odd, at first sight, that there should be any such men as these; but their name and number is legion. If we were to deduct from the hunting-crowd farmers, and others who hunt because hunting is brought to their door, of the remainder we should find that the "men who don't like it" have the preponderance. It is pretty much the same, I think, with all amusements.